Become a Skylines Australia NSW club member today
Who are Skylines Australia NSW Inc?
We are the Nissan Skyline Enthusiasts Club. If you own one or just admire Skylines in general then we are the club for you. The club holds social and track events throughout the year.
How is the club SAU NSW different to the SAU forums?
The Club was formed by a group of like minded forum users. It uses the NSW Members’ area as one of the ways for members to communicate along with Facebook and Instagram.
The forums and the club are entirely separate entities.
How do I become a member of Skylines Australia NSW?
Becoming a member is as easy as going to our online store and filling in the online form. Once you have sent the form, you can post in this thread on the forum, to let us know. SAU NSW Club Membership
What does being a member entitle me to?
Well, if the prestige and knowledge that you are a part of Australia’s largest Skyline enthusiast group isn’t enough, then take a look at what else you receive:
SAU NSW financial members receive discounts on entry to club events along with that we are a Motorsport Australia (formally known as CAMS) & ANSMA affiliated (the first Skyline club in Australia to do so, VIC is the other) entitling club members to apply for the appropriate licences to enter motor sport events along with NSW Historic or Classic Vehicle registration.
With your membership you will receive a membership card, car sticker and lanyard when you join.
You can attend and vote at the AGM and have a say in how your club is run.
What sort of events does Skylines Australia NSW hold?
The events that the club runs, and participates in, include:
Track Days
Skidpan Days
Super Sprints
Drag Meets
Motorkhanas and other forms of club level motor sport.
We also participate in varied social events such as BBQs, Cruises and any other activity where a bunch of people who share the love of the same set of taillights can gather.
Okay, so I have filled in the form and send it off. What happens next?
Once we receive your membership form and payment, you are added to the SAU NSW Members section of the online forum, email list, etc. Your membership card, etc. will then be sent to you as well. Please allow up to 3 weeks for membership package to arrive.
If I need to know what’s happening to my membership, where can I find out?
Are there any club rules or guidelines I need to read over?
There sure are. Have a read of the Skylines Australia NSW Rules and Constitution attached below.