Code of Ethics
One of the things that really sets our club apart is our commitment to being true enthusiasts. As a club we have built a reputation as a mature club that drive our cars to their full potential but in legal ways at specific motoring venues. When on normal roads we strive to maintain good relations with the authorities as well as the public in general.
Skylines Australia NSW is unique in having a code of ethics included in our membership application. All members agree to abide this code and failure to do so may result in loss of their membership.
We keep it simple and base our ethics on common sense.
Code of Ethics
I undertake that holding Membership of SAU NSW means that I must not bring “Skylines Australia” into disrepute.
I pledge that whilst displaying SAU signage, I shall drive courteously on the state’s roads as a true enthusiast should.
I understand how important it is to maintain the good name of SAU NSW and thus, treat other Skyline members and sponsors accordingly.