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SAUNSW Legacy Cruise - Robertson Pie Shop

  • Robertson Pie Shop 4400 Illawarra Highway Robertson, NSW, 2577 Australia (map)

It's back!!!!

The story of this event starts many years ago, where we had lost some very dear friends & members of the club to some devastating illnesses. Yes, this sadly isn't an original story, but, it's a reminder of how important relationships can be, and the lasting effects we can all have on each other within our community.
In memory of these members, and to honour the ever-lasting memories and lessons they left us with, the SAUNSW Legacy Cruise was born!

Our Legacy Cruise is a charity event we hold, to raise money for various charities, to try and help those that need help most!

We'd love for you all to join us on this crowd-favourite cruise, where we head to Robertson Pie Shop, to raise money for those that need a helping hand!

So, without any more ado, here are the details:

Date: Saturday 24th August
Meet Location: KFC - The Crossroads Casula (Corner of Beech Road and Parkers Farm Place)
Meet Time: Meet at 9:30am for a 10:00am departure
Destination: Robertson Pie Shop

We will meet at KFC at the Crossroads and from here head onto the Hume Highway.

From this we will turn off onto Picton Road and follow this all the way into the Prices Motorway eventually reaching Albion Park.

The meet location is in front of St Paul's Catholic Primary School, Tongarra Road at around 11:00am - 11:30am.

Here we can make a quick rest stop to stretch our legs and allow everyone to catch up before heading off through Macquarie Pass.
If any lower west members would like to come this would be a good meet point.

From this it is a short trip up to Robertson Pie Shop for some of their famous pies and deserts.

There will be a lead and follow car so no one should get lost.

Make sure you have a full tank of fuel at the initial meeting point as there will be no time to refuel on the way.

If you would like to attend or bring others along please put your name down and a +1 as numbers will be needed prior!

This is NOT a race and we will all be adhering to all road rules. If this is what you want please come to one of our track days.

This is an official SAUNSW event and will be run under a Motorsport Australia permit.

One of the things that really sets our club apart is our commitment to being true enthusiasts. When on normal roads we strive to maintain good relations with the authorities as well as the public in general.

When attending one of Skylines Australia NSW events please try to:
• Be aware of surrounding environment and act accordingly.
• Drive courteously on the state’s roads as a true enthusiast should.
• Understand how important it is to maintain the good name of SAU:NSW and thus, treat others accordingly.
• Any misbehaviour will not be tolerated and you will be asked to leave.

Thanks guys and hope to see you there!

August 11

SAUNSW Sunday Sessions - Cafe at Waterview

October 13

SAUNSW Sunday Session - Benzin Cafe